Inspiring Drum Clinics for Anyone

Stefan has always had a deep passion for sharing knowledge and demonstrating his abilities on the drums. The impact that live drums can have on people is astounding. The sounds and rhythms of the drums instantly tap into a deep seeded part of the human mind in a way that nothing else can. Stefan loves to harness this phenomenon and use it as a tool to spread useful and inspirational musical knowledge.


Book A Drum Clinic Today

What is a Drum Clinic?

A drum clinic is where performance and education meet. Through improvised drum solos and demonstrations, musical concepts can be explained and explored in an interactive fashion that is sure to stimulate the minds of musicians and non-musicians alike. Clinics can also be customized to suit the interests of specific audiences. A drum clinic has all of the entertainment value of a live performance but is unique in the way it brings observers “behind the curtain” of a professional musician’s thought process and technical approach.

Inject some energy into your event with a unique and memorable musical experience!

Suggested Events

Elementary & High School Music Classes

Inspire young musicians to pursue their own excellence!

Summer Camps

Add a fun interactive event appropriate for all age groups!

Colleges & Universities

Delve into musical techniques and advanced rhythmic demonstrations!

Special Needs Programs

Get everyone moving to the beat in a way that’s sure to put smiles on faces!

Retirement Homes

Energize elderly music lovers! It’s never too late to learn something new!


Contact Stefan For Rates